How often can you refill Mounjaro (tirzepatide)?

How often you refill Mounjaro® will depend on the dosage you are taking and how often your insurance allows for refills. Mounjaro is available in 6 doses that are typically increased each month (starting at weekly doses of 2.5mg per pen) until a maximum tolerated dose is achieved (up to 15 mg). Once you are on a stable dose, your doctor may prescribe in three month intervals (90 days) but depending on your insurance you may only be able to fill one month at a time while other plans prefer patients to get a 90 day supply.

Learn more about Mounjaro prescribing information and how Form Health doctors prescribe Mounjaro to help patients achieve their health goals.


Nathaniel Pedley, MD

Dr. Nathaniel Pedley is an internist and obesity medicine specialist who is passionate about supporting patients in achieving their health goals. He attended Amherst College in Massachusetts for undergrad, and completed a post-baccalaureate in pre-medical studies at Columbia University. He continued at Columbia University for medical school and went on to complete his residency in internal medicine at UCLA where he served as a Project Lead for the UCLA Department of Medicine Quality Team and a peer mentor to junior residents.

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Mounjaro® and its delivery device base are registered trademarks owned or licensed by Eli Lilly and Company, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.